Denali National Park
Denali National Park (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Toklat River, East Fork, Polychrome overlook, ...
Toklat River, East Fork, Poly chrome overlook, Denali National Park, Alaska, Summer 2011. An example of a braided river. Comparison with other photographs of the same location shows how the channels change from year to year. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The word of God says, that “Whoever believes in Me, as Scriptures has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38. The Scripture goes on to say that this living water that Christ was referring to is the Holy Spirit. Back in June my family and I traveled to Denali Park, Alaska which has the most spectacular mountain views. I told my husband God lives in Heaven but I believe He spends His summers in Alaska that’s how  beautiful the mountains, rivers and valleys of Denali are. Nothing made by Man can compare to what I saw up there.
What captured me the most though was the river. Picture it as life and power in motion, there were times when the river moved with so much force it was if it were on a mission, to touch and fill every object and life force it came into contact with yet with all that power there was a peace about it. That is the Holy Spirit.  This morning I woke up with a desire to be refreshed by Christ and as I was praying to Him I thought about the powerful, yet graceful rivers of Denali and the peace it brought to its environment.
Today I just want to touch and agree with every believer that is out there. May the life and power of the Holy Spirit flow purposefully through your heart. May it touch every member in your household. May this mighty river flow through our homes, our city, our state our country. May it heal hearts, minds and bodies. May it  repair relationships finances and governments.
Holy Spirit flow now to every hospital and touch the patients and staff.  Move throughout the school district today Holy Spirit and  touch and inspire every student, teacher and staff member. Flow through the prison system, heal and repair the lost and the broken, lift and inspire the staff and administrators. Father God may your Holy Spirit touch and fill our World’s  Leaders fill them with a desire to seek You and lean on You, touch their spouses, children and family.
Holy Spirit find those who are lost, comfort those who need comfort, heal those who are broken, give hope to those who’ve lost hope. Father God in the name of Jesus, allow your Holy Spirit to flow mighty in every heart that is seeking you. Renew, rebuild, restore and inspire your people today. Give us a fresh revelation, a fresh vision, dream and purpose, quench our thirst for you  and fill our cups till they overflow today and everyday.  I humbly place this request before you Lord. In Your Son Jesus name. Amen.

A Kingdom Princess